Cleve Langton - Signitt - Brodeur

New Business Lessons from Madison Avenue

Cleve Langton’s pithy, meaty gem gives memorable lessons from the competitive world of advertising as agencies pitch their services to clients. Selling is a difficult, nebulous art, highly nuanced but a vital skill in our world of changing images and wants. And perhaps there is no better way to study this skill of selling than see how advertising agencies market themselves.

Cleve Langton - CoolBrandsPeople - Board Positioning - Competitive Reputation - MavenMagnet

Cleve Langton 

It’s like watching expert marketers in perhaps the roughest reality show of “win an account”. It is tough no-nonsense advice about how agencies hustle for work — strategies undertaken, rules to follow, mistakes made, difficulties to overcome. It packs much wisdom in few pages. It is well-written with images that stick in the mind like velcro. It’s a quick yet intensive course in rainmaking and could serve not only as a terrific text for advertising students but a bible for advertising agency new business people. But I think it’s power is wider — it can help anybody improve their selling skills and help them market themselves. If it succeeds at that task, it will pay for itself many times over.

Tags: Cleve, Langton, New business lessons from Madison Ave, Cleve Langton, Brodeur, MavenMagnet,

Cleve Langton - Signitt - Brodeur

Cleve Langton – Signitt – Brodeur

Cleve Langton - Signitt - Brodeur

Cleve Langton – Signitt – Brodeur


Cleve Langton – Signitt

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